applications how to organize Samsung Galaxy Friday, December 28, 2012 New How to organize applications on samsung galaxy phone By Patricbensen To organize the applications on your phone. First, tap on the application icon then tap the MENU tap Edit After that, you will see that the...
Monday, December 24, 2012 New LBO Light Touch Projector By Patricbensen"> LBO introduced a new kind of keyboard on this CES for the technology ...
3:50 AM New SmartFaucet from iHouse – New Gadget in Your Bathroom By Patricbensen"> Internet and high-tech gadgets have already penetrated in our life to ...
.ass .avi .mpl .psb .sami .smi .srt .ssa .sub .txt Android Phones movie player 3:31 AM New Movie and .avi Player for Android Phones By Patricbensen The default video player in Android Phones doesn't supports .avi and other Movie file. To play these on your phone, you need to download...
3:24 AM New New Unbelievable Technology – Skin Cell Gun Heals Burns In Days By Patricbensen"> Skin cell gun – Major burn victims often die because of infections. ...
1:03 AM New Audi Electric Bike By Patricbensen"> Last week German automaker Audi made its first big splash into t...
Android Phones My Files polaris viewer Samsung Galaxy Friday, December 21, 2012 New What does polaris viewer tasks for samsung galaxy and other mobile phones? By Patricbensen Polaris Viewer helps you organize your files according to its type and/or folder. It is also in-charged to view the file with the types like...
adobe photoshop Android Phones Facebook instagram Samsung Galaxy twitter Wednesday, December 19, 2012 New Adobe Photoshop for Samsung Galaxy and other Android Phones By Patricbensen Adobe Photoshop is now available for android phones. The name of the app is Adobe Photoshop Express by Adobe Systems DOWNLOAD Adobe Pho...
icons meaning top bar Friday, December 14, 2012 New Phone Icons At The Top Bar Meaning By Patricbensen Wondering what are the meaning of the icons that show on top of your Samsung Galaxy phone screen? Here are some of the icons and the meani...
music player Samsung Galaxy windows media audio wma Wednesday, December 5, 2012 New Windows Media Audio, WMA Player for Samsung Galaxy and other Android Phones By Patricbensen The default music player in Samsung Galaxy phones doesn't supports WMA or windows media audio file. To play wma files on your phone, you...
battery life exploding extend battery heat problems hot overheating performance issue samsung galaxy problems Tuesday, December 4, 2012 New Why Samsung Galaxy Pocket surface is overheating? By Patricbensen The surface of your phone will overheat if you are using it for more than an hour or two. But there are instances that when you leave your p...
camera click delete disable how to mute remove Samsung Galaxy Samsung Galaxy Pocket shutter sound turning off Sunday, December 2, 2012 New How to remove/disable camera shutter sound? By Patricbensen Do you want to remove the shutter sound in your android phone camera? I've done looking at my android phone's camera settings but I...