New Galaxy S6 randomly restarting on its own, plus more issues By Patricbensen

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New Galaxy S6 randomly restarting on its own, plus more issues By Patricbensen

Welcome to another ‪#‎GalaxyS6‬ series post! The issues discussed below are gathered from email sent to us by some members of the Smart Andro World community. If you are new to out site, don’t forget to visit other Galaxy S6 posts we published before.
Galaxy S6 Edge cannot enable some apps
Galaxy S6 Edge freezing, random restarts, apps not working issues
Galaxy S6 screen not working
Verizon Galaxy S6 won’t send text message when used on AT&T network
Galaxy S6 randomly restarting on its own
Galaxy S6 texting problem after Marshmallow update
If you are looking for solutions to your own ‪#‎Android‬ issue, you can contact us by using the link provided at the bottom of this page, or you can install our free app from Google Play Store.
Problem #1: Galaxy S6 Edge cannot enable some apps
Hello and thank you for a great and useful website! I have a weird issue in my Galaxy S6 Edge. I’ve had my phone only for a couple of months.
Certain applications needs to be allowed access / enabled to function properly.
I have for example the application Texpand that needs enabled to be able to work. So I go to ACCESSIBILITY –> down to SERVICES –> and then I tap on Texpand. I click on the button in the right corner to enable it and a window pops up asking to either enable it or cancel. So far so good.
But when I click the “enable” button nothing happens. It’s totally unresponsive. The “cancel” button works fine but there’s nothing I can do about the “enable” button.
So, now I have a bunch of applications that I can’t use, because I can’t enable them. I make you a list of these applications just in case it’s important:
SafeInCloud Auto-fill
Native Clipboard
Switch Access
I would be very grateful if you would have a solution to this strange problem. I have no clue why it started happening. Thank you!
I don’t have Facebook (yes, we are a few existing ones still on earth) so I can’t like your page to get priority. — Mika
Solution: Hi Mika. Enabling apps is supposed to be straightforward. There must be a glitch or changed system setting that prevents said apps above to fail to initialize. To fix it, make sure that you try to clear their cache and data first. Here’s how to do it:
Go to Settings.
Proceed to Applications.
Select Manage Applications.
Tap the All tab.
Choose the name of the app by tapping it.
From there, you will see the Clear Cache and Clear Data buttons.
Tapping the Clear data button is the virtual equivalent of installing an app. Clear Cache clears out the temporary files of an app that are possibly causing its erratic behavior. It is very safe to do since it retains your app settings. If this procedure won’t change anything though, we recommend that you do a factory reset. This will ensure that all app and operating system settings are restored to default. If you changed some settings before that resulted to this problem now, or if a firmware glitch is behind the trouble, performing a factory reset should be an effective solution. Simply follow these steps:
Turn off your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.
Press and hold the Volume Up, Home and Power keys together.
When the device powers on and displays ‘Power on logo’, release all keys and the Android icon will appear on the screen.
Wait until the Android Recovery Screen appears after about 30 seconds.
Using the Volume Down key, highlight the option, ‘wipe data/factory reset’ and press the Power key to select it.
Press the Volume Down button again until the option ‘Yes — delete all user data’ is highlighted and then press the Power key to select it.
After the reset is complete, highlight ‘Reboot system now’ and hit the Power key to restart the phone.
Factory reset will wipe the phone’s internal storage. Be sure to create a backup of your personal data like photos, videos, contacts, etc., before proceeding.
Problem #2: Galaxy S6 Edge freezing, random restarts, apps not working issues
Good day. I have Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and has a lot of problems:
Unfortunately application has stopped. Like Google Play, YouTube, Facebook Messenger, mostly all the installed apps even settings keyboard.
whatever you open is always closed..
Restarting randomly
Shutdown randomly
Is a brand new phone just bought it from ebay from USA. From the beginning i received just turn on after a few minute was restarting. We do all the possible solutions like hard reset and re-flash. But still the same problem. Any other options to fix it. It so difficult to send back to the seller. I live in the island. Please give me some opinion or advice in order to fix the problem. — Allan
Solution: Hi Allan. Do these problems show themselves right after setting up the phone for the first time? If yes, then you most probably have gotten a bad phone in the first place. The best option in this case is to ask for replacement. However, if the problems started appearing after some time and after installing your current apps, then the reason for all them may be due to a bad app. Boot the phone in safe mode for 24 hours and observe how the phone behaves. While safe mode is on, all third party apps will be prevented from running. If one of them is the culprit, the issue should fail to occur. If that happens, start uninstalling apps until the issue is gone. Here are the steps on how to boot your S6 in safe mode:
Press and hold the Volume Down and Power keys for 20 to 30 seconds.
Once you see the Samsung logo, release the Power key immediately but continue pressing the Volume Down key.
Your phone should continue booting up and you will be prompted to unlock your phone as usual.
You will know if the phone successfully booted in safe mode if the text “Safe mode” is displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen.
Should the problems return even when safe mode is on, make sure that you do a factory reset.
Problem #3: Galaxy S6 screen not working
About a week and a half ago, i carried out a major software update, and all was good. That night we had a massive lightning storm, and my phone was charging for a while before i removed it from the charger. i noticed later when it was back on charge that the screen was flashing — like lightning flashes. Since then, it has flashed when the power is almost full, almost empty and when near the plug point it was charging on that night. it does not flash as badly when charging at another station.
I have cleared the cache etc, but today the screen has gone totally blank, i can hear it starting up, and can hear messages coming through, but restarting does not help power up the screen. /p/contact-us.html" rel="nofollow" style="background-color: transparent; clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em; text-align: center;" target="_blank">Please let me know if you have any thoughts. I have a screen repair left under warranty, but don’t want to spend a fortune on repairs. Thank you for your time. — Chantal
Solution: Hi Chantal. If the phone makes a tone or vibrates when you restart it but the screen remains black, that’s a clear sign that the screen has totally failed at this time. Such issue cannot be resolved by doing software changes or software solutions. Be sure to have the phone checked for a possible repair.
Problem #4: Verizon Galaxy S6 
won’t send text message when used
 on AT&T network
Hello. I recently went to AT&T and got a prepaid plan for my phone. However, my phone is a Verizon phone. But we went ahead and tried to set up service. At first it wasn’t wanting to work. But luckily another employee mentioned the APN settings. We changed them and my phone was good to go. When I got to work later that day I was texting my girlfriend when all of the sudden my phone said it could not send messages. I tried different contacts, and different messaging apps to no avail. I cleared my message data in setting thinking that would help. Restarted the phone, and just fought with it for over an hour, I still had mobile data to send emails and use my browser. I was about to head to the AT&T store to see if they could help, when my messenger started working again, out of the blue. Any idea what my issue could be? — Austin
Solution: Hi Austin. We’ve heard of many issues about Verizon phones having all sorts of problems when a user switch over to a different carrier. That said, your issue is just one of the many problems already being discussed in our site and in other third party forums. But just like you, we really don’t have a definitive answer as to why many Verizon phones tend to have problems sending text messages when on other networks. We do know that Verizon’s firmware is coded to make it difficult for users to tamper with. Your case may be due to a firmware glitch, or may be a network problem in your area. If the issue returns in the future, make sure to work with AT&T technical support team, and not with their sales people to find a fix.
If you want to browser similar issues, take a look at these previous posts.
Problem #5: Galaxy S6 randomly restarting on its own
Hello. I’m messaging you today due to a problem I’ve encountered on my phone for the past week or so. My phone originally started shutting down randomly and the only way it would turn back on is if I connected it to a charger. After a month or so of having to do that time to time my phone completely shut down even with a full battery. It would turn on but only for 5 seconds before shutting down once again.
I’m not a technical genius since I’m only 16 but I’ve researched enough on the internet to see if there was a solution to my problem. Sadly I haven’t found one yet and I am hoping you will have an answer for me. So, thank you for your time in reading this I hope I was detailed enough for you to get a general idea of what the problem is. Best regards. — Hailey
Solution: Hi Hailey. A cause for a random restart issue like the one you are experiencing right now can range from a corrupted system file, faulty battery, to a defective hardware. Your first task is to find out which of the known potential causes is the real culprit. Below are possible causes that may be at play on your phone right now.
Bad battery. Back in the day when when Samsung phones still have a removable battery pack, checking if the battery is not working is a no-brainer. For an S6 user, this otherwise simple task can be challenging as it involves opening the back panel of the phone and possibly voiding the warranty in the process. Because you can’t easily check the true status of the battery at this time, make sure that you reserve this step as a last resort as you need the help of a professional to take it out properly. We do want to mention it as the most likely reason first as majority of the problems like yours are caused by a bad battery issue.
Problematic third party app. If you have lots of apps installed, consider booting the phone in safe mode (steps provided above) to see if one of them is to blame. If your phone works normally on safe mode (no random restart) you can then start uninstalling apps until you have eliminated the problem is resolved.
Operating system glitch. Sometimes, Android operating system encounters conflicts with other apps causing a glitch, which in turn, can affect other apps or the basic functions of the phone. If the issue happened after an update, make sure that you wipe the phone’s cache partition and do a factory reset.
Overheating. Smartphones are designed to prevent further damage when some critical components have reached a certain heat threshold by turning itself off automatically. If you’ve noticed that your phone becomes uncomfortably hot before shutting down on its own, your device must be overheating. If it happens regularly, make sure to perform basic software troubleshooting and solutions (like wiping the cache, doing a factory reset) first before having it checked by a professional for potential hardware trouble.
Other hardware malfunction. There are thousands of components inside your phone and any of them can fail. If software solutions don’t seem to do anything, you can assume that there’s a hardware failure behind your problem. Call Samsung or your wireless carrier so you can have the phone checked physically. Better still, simply ask for a replacement unit.
Problem #6: Galaxy S6 texting problem after Marshmallow update
Hello. My name is Chance. I have having a problem when sending a text to someone. It horribly lags when I type in the persons contact name. Normally, when I type a letter or a few letters that define the contact it responds very quickly and shows related contacts, but unfortunately there is a lag to get there. I have typed the full name to see and it takes about 10 or more seconds until the contact drop down enables right below where I need to select the person to send a text message.
I don’t understand what the deal is but I know Andriod 6.0 has bugs still. I need a fix. Everything is functional except the the section where I am typing a contact name. When I type for example the letter A it will give me a list of my contacts related to that.
Thank you for you kind consideration regarding this matter. I trust you get my concern.
Thank you so much. — Chance
Solution: Hi Chance. If this problem happened right after updating to Android Marshmallow, the best solutions you can take include deleting the app’s cache and data, wiping the cache partition, and performing a factory reset. We are still in the process of collecting other Marshmallow-related issues so we can’t say for sure if this problem is isolated, or if other users have it too. We will update this post once we have more information about the problem.
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When describing your issue, please be as detailed as possible so we can easily pinpoint a relevant solution. If you can, kindly include the exact error messages you are getting to give us an idea where to start. If you have already tried some troubleshooting steps before emailing us, make sure to mention them so we can skip them in our answers.
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Having problems with your phone that won’t turn on?
We can help you troubleshoot. We already published troubleshooting guides for the following devices:

  • /2016/03/how-to-fix-samsung-galaxy-s2-that-wont.html" style="border: 0px; color: #27c4ff; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">Samsung Galaxy S2
  • /2016/03/how-to-fix-galaxy-s3-that-wont-turn-on.html" style="border: 0px; color: #27c4ff; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">Samsung Galaxy S3
  • /2016/03/how-to-fix-samsung-galaxy-s4-that-wont.html" style="border: 0px; color: #27c4ff; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">Samsung Galaxy S4
  • /2016/03/how-to-fix-samsung-galaxy-s5-that-wont.html" style="border: 0px; color: #27c4ff; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">Samsung Galaxy S5, /2016/03/samsung-galaxy-s5-wont-turn-on-or-boot.html" style="border: 0px; color: #27c4ff; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">Android Lollipop edition
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  • /2016/03/how-to-fix-samsung-galaxy-s6-edge-that.html" style="border: 0px; color: #27c4ff; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
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  • /2016/03/how-to-troubleshoot-fix-galaxy-note-3.html" style="border: 0px; color: #ee0077; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; outline: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;">Samsung Galaxy Note 3
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  • /2016/03/how-to-fix-samsung-galaxy-note-5-that.html" style="border: 0px; color: #27c4ff; font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">Samsung Galaxy Note 5 /p/contact-us.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

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